The Army of Drunks

Short: 1930s - The Brown Derby
with Katie Massa and Jason Berlin

"Drink-a-Decade" rolls on like a runaway freight train that only smashes a stalled-out schoolbus once every two weeks!

Drink your way back to the Golden Age of Hollywood with the Brown Derby, a delightful blend of whiskey, grapefruit and honey that was possibly invented by Douglas Fairbanks, but definitely made famous in a giant hat.  Also, Jason Berlin spills the beans on his Evil Grandma Betty, and Katie Massa punches-out a raccoon!* (NSFW as always.)


*Katie Massa does not punch-out a raccoon.


Direct download: AOD_1930s_Brown_Derby_Show_1-2.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 2:51pm PDT